Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Critique of "Getting off Track"

I recently read an interesting article by a classmate of mine and the writer of Texas Two-Cents. Her article, titled "Getting off track..." describes the ambitions of a woman named Jessica Tunon. Tunon is apparently obsessed with getting fences put up around the Union Pacific Railroad line in downtown Austin, stating that allowing pedestrians to cross the tracks poses a threat to their own safety.

My classmate referred information from the article at the KXAN website, making sure to point out that there have only been four train-related deaths in Travis county between 2009 and 2012. She was thorough in pointing out the flaws of Tunon's arguments (which mainly revolve around the safety of pedestrians), and suggesting that the money projected to be used for the project be used elsewhere to improve sidewalks for pedestrians.

I have to wholeheartedly agree with my classmate. The idea seems to be a waste of finances, and considering that more pedestrians are killed on the street, I'm not sure why we aren't enforcing proper driving habits in regards to pedestrians. I myself do not have a car, and a week does not go by without having a driver cut me off in the crosswalk (note: this is while I'm crossing with the pedestrian light on) and/or yell obscenities. In a lot of major cities, the drivers would receive a ticket for this behavior.

If I had to point out anything in the article by my classmate that needs attention, I would say that there are a few grammatical errors that could be tended to. Other than that, I think she makes excellent points, such as "...I do realize that it is illegal to cross [train track crossings]. I also know it's illegal to drive faster than the posted speed limit...But there is nothing PREVENTING me from breaking any of those laws...As a citizen of Austin, I have the responsibility to choose to obey the laws." I think this statement raises some excellent questions about Austin's local government.

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