Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Cool story, bro.

In an editorial from the Dallas Morning News, it was claimed that Governor Rick Perry has stated that "secularists and leftists are trying to keep people of faith from the public arena." The writer of the article openly disagreed with that statement, declaring that religious people are actually heavily involved. I have to admit that I'm not even sure where the author of the article took offense, considering that Rick Perry did not openly state that people of faith are denied a place in politics. If anything, he seems to be fueling a feeling of persecution that religious people have been voicing. The article goes on to prove just how involved the religious community is, describing how an evangelist leader is working to organize conservative voters across 117,000 churches. 

It is clear that the author intended this to reach a community of religious people who might feel like they are being persecuted for their religion (the irony here is staggering). Personally, I feel as if the author misunderstood Rick Perry's statements--to his or her detriment. It's not a surprise to anyone that religion plays a great part in Texas' government, and to write an article to prove that point doesn't do the religious community any favors. The author seems to be riled up for no reason, other than to excite Christian voters and in doing so encourage them to attend some kind of forum. From what I can tell about the community response to the article, the author may as well be talking about how hot it is outside.

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